Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Back to the blog after a long interval! A few have called me to ask what is happening to the blog.  I was waiting for an internet connection and finally I have got one! It is encouraging to get the feedback. Thanks to the friends who made inquiries.  

We live in a world where everyone looks for happiness and not joy. You may be wondering what the difference between happiness and joy is. Joy and happiness are both emotions where a person has feelings of contentment or satisfaction. But both these feelings differ from each other based on the reasons causing the feeling and the nature of the feeling.  J.D. Salinger, the author of Catcher in the Rye, once wrote, "The fact is always obvious much too late but the most singular difference between happiness and joy is that happiness is a solid and joy is a liquid."  I came across a comparison chart which distinguishes 'happiness' from 'joy'.    
Happiness is an emotion in which one experiences feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense pleasure.
Joy is a stronger, less common feeling than happiness. Witnessing or achieving selflessness to the point of personal sacrifice frequently triggers this emotion. Being connected to God or to others in a great cause and synergistic result.
earthly experiences, material objects
Spiritual experiences, caring for others, gratitude, thankfulness
outward expression of elation
inward peace and contentment
Time frame
temporary, based on outward circumstances
lasting, based on inward circumstances
In the midst of life's ups and downs happiness is still present.
Serving others, sometimes through sacrifice with no possible personal gain. Witnessing justice for the less fortunate. Experiencing God's mercy and grace and feeling His love. All can result in joy.
Happiness is a state. Think of it as a 100 story building and each level corresponds to a happiness value. And that happiness will persist for quite a long time
Joy is that sudden burst of happiness. Joy is like the elevator in that building that takes you up to higher levels of happiness only for a small amount of time and back.
Happiness is a byproduct of a moral lifestyle.
Joy can be experienced from any good activity, food or company.

Dr. Stanley Jones had once given a beautiful definition for ‘joy’ – Jesus first, others second and you the last.  Be people of ‘joy’ and not ‘happiness’.

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