Thursday, April 10, 2014


How do we treat our servants – as fellow human beings or even meaner than the pet animals of our homes?  When we go up in the social and economic ladder of life, what we look for are servants to help us at our home.  Depending on the ‘status’, the number of servants also increases.  Have we ever thought that we are becoming dependent to them and thereby becoming helpless and hapless?  We become so dependent to them that we cannot survive without them.  Have we thought that we should be obliged to them rather than them thankful to us because they can live without us but we cannot live without them?  We have to remember that our money is of no use if they are not available for our service. We have to bear in mind, once we become dependent on them: If not we, they may have someone else, but if not they who shall be for us – not even our children shall be of help to us at the time of need.

Arrogance towards the servants and ill-treating even to the extent of  physical torture is very common in many of the houses and seems to be on the rise (I am aware and also acknowledge that there are masters/mistresses who treat the servants with honor and consider them as fellow humans).   We read and see through mass media the incidents of ill treatment to the maid-servants even by the so-called ‘educated’ and ‘cultured’ and even ‘religious’.  The result of education should be broadening our mind to accept the other, the sign of culture should be to include the other as part of ourselves and outcome of religion should be seeing God in the other. If not, then we are not educated, cultured and religious. It is beyond on iota of doubt that a servant should be treated with dignity and our treatment should bring in them a pride to serve the fellow human beings who are in real need. 

The reason I write this is because of a short film I have seen on Face Book (  Could you end seeing it without a drop of tear in your eyes or at least a disturbance in your mind?  If yes, you have lost the humaneness and has thereby stopped to be a human being. 

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