Friday, May 19, 2017


There are many who are confused about how to pray and what to pray! Here is given a simple method for them to follow:

The first finger that is closest to you is the THUMB so you begin by praying for those that are closest to you like your family and friends. Next we have the INDEX finger which points the way, or gives direction. Therefore, we pray for those that teach or lead the way by giving direction and helping others. The third finger on our hand is the TALLEST finger so that helps us to remember to pray for those in power, those who are in important positions of authority, like our President Prime Minister, ministers and other World Leaders. The RING finger is our weakest finger, so we need to pray for those that are week, poor, needy, and broken, those having a rough time. Last we have our PINKY finger. The smallest on our hands, that helps us to remember to pray for ourselves. Our needs are last. By the time we get to our own needs we realize our own problems are pretty small compared to those in the rest of the world. Hence we shall not ‘cry’ much for us, but for others.

Here is a sample prayer using the FIVE FINGER PRAYER METHOD:
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for this day, thank You for everything You have given to us, I come to You as Your child in Jesus’ name. I am reaching out to You Father because I want to:

(1) Pray for those that are close to me. Bless my family, be with them today and please protect them and my dear friends too. Send Your Angels to help them with their tasks (Psalm 91) today and may they feel Your peace and love all day long.

(2) Lord, I also pray for my teachers and those that give direction let them use their gifts wisely (1 Peter 4:10). I pray that they would be blessed today and that they would enjoy their day. Help them Lord to make a good difference in the lives of others. Help them to help others with love, and peace, and fun.

(3) I pray for the important leaders in our world. (Proverbs 11:14, 1 Timothy 2:1-2) I pray that our President would make wise decisions, that would please You. I pray that You would protect our President and his family and give him peace today. Help the other World Leaders to lead with compassion, and in the best interest of the people that they serve.

(4) I pray for those that are weak. I pray that You would supply all their needs, whether it be food, or clothes, or shelter. I pray that in their weakness, You would be made strong in their lives (Matthew 25:36). I pray that when others help them that they would see Jesus in them. I pray for those who are broken hearted, I pray that You would place Your peace and love in their hearts and heal their hurt (Psalm 34:18).

(5) Lastly, I pray for my own needs. Lord You know I have many needs, and I can’t live without Your help and guidance. Help me to love others the way You love others at all times. Help me to be a good daughter, wife, mother, and friend. Help me to realize when I need to speak and when I need to listen so that others will be blessed by my life. Let me fulfill the calling that You have planned for me, and bless my life so that I can be a blessing. (Galatians 6:9, Deuteronomy 31:6) I Love You Lord, thank You for being in my life. 

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