Monday, December 12, 2016


A study was undertaken on the lives of 450 people who had lived happily and creatively to be over 90.  Certain of the characteristics they had in common were not at all surprising: they had been spared serious accident or disabling illnesses: they had all taken reasonable care of their nutrition and health; but three qualities stood out above all, they had all:

A PURPOSE TO LIVE FOR -  some significant activity which kept them busy;  it was not just that they had something to do; rather they had some task worth doing.

A SELF TO LIVE WITH - over the years, and in the course of their living, they had freed themselves from resentments, anger, bitterness, regret, unkindness and guilt – those great poisons.

A FAITH TO LIVE BY - A faith which gave meaning, principle, perspective and hope to their lives.

Though they had all experienced the gradual decline of their physical powers, they had gone on growing in the things of the spirit – courage, faith, hope, love, humor, patience and kindness – which is what matters.   For it is the things which are seen that are temporal but the things which are not seen- the inner things of the spirit – that are eternal.

Some years ago a clergyman was visiting the old people’s ward in one of those immeasurably depressing hospitals in South London.  As he moved from bed to bed he was greeted, as often as not, by silence and a blank stare.   Eventually he came upon an elderly lady who was permanently bedridden, all but disabled, but her bed was covered with books, magazines and knitting; her bedside table had photographs and letters and other signs of interest and caring and busyness.   After making conversation for some while, the clergyman tried to conclude with the remark, I am sure that having to live like this must color your outlook on life.”   To which that old bedridden lady replied, “Yes, but I decide the colors.”   She was not going to be defeated.  Even in hospital she has a purpose to live for, a self to live with and a faith to live by.

May I wish my readers a Blessed and Purposeful New Year!

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