Saturday, March 26, 2016


 A woman was driving home one night. The weather was really bad. Rain was very heavy and visibility was very poor. Seeing taillights ahead of her, she followed the car in front. Not being able to see, the car in front seemed to be going in the right direction. So she stuck with it.

All of a sudden the car in front of her came to a stop. She began to wonder what had happened; perhaps the car in front had some engine trouble or hit a deer! She began to feel uncomfortable; thinking being stopped in the middle of the road can often lead to accidents.

Much to her alarm the car in front of her turned off its lights. Her concern was now growing as well as her anger, and she was then startled by a knocking on her window. She looked up and there was a man standing in the pouring rain wanting to speak to her. She cracked the window open and asked the man what the problem was.

The man replied that it was the question he was going to ask her. She retorted that she wasn’t the one who had stopped in the middle of the road and then turned off the car lights. The man’s reply was that they were not in the middle of the road, but in his driveway.  

Obviously, this woman had chosen the wrong leader to follow. She had chosen a leader who would not take her to where she wanted and needed to go. She had chosen the wrong leader and the wrong road.

We have to ask ourselves whether we are driving our lives in the right direction and following a right leader. If not, we will end up, just like this lady, reaching wrong or dead ends.

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