Friday, July 10, 2015


A ship was caught up in a storm in the sea.  All started praying - a wealthy man also was among them.  He prayed loud, "If you save us today Lord, I shall sell my castle and distribute the proceeds to the poor."  Anyhow, the storm stopped.  He felt remorse over his loud mouth.  Now that everyone has heard, he could not go back from his promise.   He published that he is going to sell the castle.  He tied a cat in front of the house and priced it to be 10 million and priced the castle to be 1.  There was one condition that both shall be sold together only.  Buyers didn't care to give 10 million to the cat and 1 to the castle because the palace was worth it.   The rich man pocketed    10 million   and distributed 1 to the poor. 

Are we different when we make a commitment to God?  How many of us are faithful to our commitment? Do we not try to find ways of break away from paying the cost? Bible cautions us to be vigilant in keeping our commitments in spite of the loss it can bring upon us. In Psalms 15 the Psalmist indicates as to who shall dwell in the sacred tent and live on God’s mountain. One of the qualifications given is the one who keeps an oath even when it hurts, and does not change their mind (Vs.4).  

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