Saturday, March 28, 2015

Judge less; love more.

Judge less and love more for none is perfect.

It is a general human tendency to judge others. Everyone seems to be the best judge for others; but the worst in their own case. So also each person is the best advocate for themselves; but the worst in other’s case.  We tend not to see our faults, but to judge others for their mistakes.  

We have to start learning to love others. Real love shall enable us to correct the ones we love. What we usually do is we speak out the ‘truth’ (you might have come across people who always claim that they cannot keep quiet when they see others’ faults; that they are straight forward that they cannot close the eye towards those who make mistakes. The strange fact is that they are the most intolerant when someone else points their mistakes).

It is said of a Bishop of Boston: Once while he was standing in his residence with a highly respected man of his diocese; a known drunkard was shouting abusive words. To this, the man standing near the bishop became very judgmental. Then the bishop responded: “I am the one that goes without God’s grace.” We have to remember that however just we are, it is because of God’s grace. We receive His grace because He is empathetic to us. Hence, we have to be empathetic to others.  Empathy can make wonders in others’ lives.

 Ignore the mistakes of others and love them instead.  If you avoid others for their mistakes and if people avoid you for your mistakes, where shall you stand? You will be alone in this world.

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