Wednesday, December 31, 2014


As we are on the threshold of a New Year, I take this opportunity to wish all my readers a purposeful and impactful year!

Whatever that was in the year 2014 (good or terrible), please bear in mind that it had a purpose.  If we try to evaluate our life objectively (without any sentiments attached), we will find that whatever that had happened had a purpose. There is some good hidden even in the happenings that were very bad. (As children, we all had gone through the disciplining of parents. At that time, it was painful, frustrating and discouraging.  But, that disciplining has made us what we are now.  We do this to our children as well). Then why can’t we accept the Creator’s purpose in us? Our life has a purpose.

Our life can be compared to a book to be written – our whole life a full book, each year a chapter and each day a page. We can write the full pages or leave blank many of the pages. If we have a purposeful living, we cannot but write something on each page. We are to give account to the Publisher who has given us all the facilities and entrusted us to write the story. Our story is important.

If we want to take along our story, we are to foresee and dream about our life’s purpose. If there is no vision, we cannot achieve anything.  Our dreams count.

We should always remember that we are ‘born to win’. We have the potential to be a winner; but many a times we act as if we are not – we condition ourselves to be losers.  We are born to make an impact.

1 comment:

  1. Love this pointer to our story, our dreams and the need to make an impact.

    Wishing you and family a Blessed 2015, dear achen !

    Beena Thomas (Chennai)
