Friday, October 24, 2014


St. Francis of Assisi was once on a pilgrimage with his disciple Leo.  They were on their way to San Marino and were caught in a thunderstorm on the way.  By nightfall they were totally drenched and stained with mud.  Not having eaten all day and having walked many miles, they were overcome with fatigue.  The village was still far off and they could not possibly reach it before midnight.  Francis suddenly asked, "Leo, who can be called a real saint?"  "Not even the man who can restore sight to the blind, heal the sick and awaken the dead is a real saint," Francis replied himself.   For a while there was silence and then Francis said, "Leo, not even the man who can understand the language of the animals, birds, trees, stones, and pebbles is a real saint.  And the man who has acquired the knowledge of the universe is not a true saint either."  Again there was a brief silence.  They plodded onward in the darkness.  The wind blew and the rain came down in torrents, but by now the lights of San Marino were visible.  Francis continued, "And the man who has renounced all his possessions is not a real saint either."   Now Leo could not remain still any longer.  He asked, "Then who is the real saint?" Francis replied, "Look.  We are almost at San Marino.  We will knock at the outer door of the inn and the watchman will ask "Who is there?"  We will reply, "Your own countrymen, two ascetics."  If he says, "Beggars! Gypsies! Parasites!  There is no place for you here!" and refuses to open the door; if we knock again and he comes out and beats us with his stick saying, "Don't pester us, you rascals!" - then if we spent the night in the open after this and are not upset; if everything inside is peaceful and empty; if we see God in that watchman, that is real saintliness."  

Simplicity, tranquility and control of the self in all circumstances is what constitutes saintliness. Then you may ask, “Is it possible to be so?” The answer is, “Yes, if you are truly saintly!”  I am reminded of the sayings of Jesus (though in a different context) when he was asked, “Who then can be saved?”  Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God” (Luke 18: 26-27). May I paraphrase it: “Then who can be a saint?” “What is impossible with human beings is possible with God’s help.” "Aim as high as the sky; then only you can reach at least the tree top"

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